The Business Master (3rd Edition)
The Business Master (3rd Edition).iso
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SAY-SB Sound Board SAY will output VOC say-sb sfx1.voc
files to your sound board. You can
have up to 20 VOC files in one
say-sb command.
SAY Will output speech, music and sound say hello.pc
effects thru the PC speaker. You can say seeya.pc sfx1.pc
have up to 20 sound files in one SAY
*SAY-PC Will output sound board VOC files say-pc thankyou.voc
thru the pc speaker.
*SAY-PRO Will output stereo VOC files thru say-pc intro.voc
a stereo sound board.
PLAY-CMF Outputs Creative Music Files play-cmf intro.cmf
(*.CMF) to the Sound Blaster
system. use b for background mode. play-cmf intro.cmf b
NOTE: When you are using PLAY-CMF to
play Creative Music Files in the
background mode, it is necessary to
put the letters CMF after each
show-pcx and clear command.
STOP-CMF Will stop a CMF file that is playing stop-cmf
in background mode.
SHOW-PCX Will display a graphic image file show-pcx blue.pcx blind
with a screen effect (blind, crush, show-pcx menu.pcx sand
diagonal, explode, spiral, split,
weave, slide, random, sand and drip).
*SHOW-GIF Will display a graphic image file show-gif house1.gif blind
with a screen effect (blind, crush, show-gif house1.gif sand
diagonal, explode, spiral, split,
weave, slide, random, sand and drip).
*SHOW Will display a graphic image file. show blueyes.gif
Supports pcx, gif, pic, tif or tga. show menu.pcx
Refer to the Image Processor for
more show information.
*SHOW-WIN Will display a graphic image file show-win house.pcx
with a scroll down effect. Supports
GIF and PCX only.
*SHOW-WIN X Y Will display a graphic image file show-win eye.pcx 76 142
as an overlay, window or on top of show-win eye.pcx 0 84
a graphic image.
CLEAR Will clear a PCX graphic image with clear mm1.pcx fade
a screen effect (fade, blind, crush, clear blue.pcx spiral
diagonal, explode, spiral, split,
weave, slide and random).
*CLEARGIF Will clear a GIF graphic image with cleargif house1.gif fade
a screen effect (fade, blind, crush, cleargif house1.gif spiral
diagonal, explode, spiral, split,
weave, slide and random).
PALETTE Will rotate the palette thru all of palette blue.pcx
the palette colors (pcx only).
*PAL-GIF Will rotate the palette thru all of pal-gif house1.gif esc
the palette colors (gif only).
*VIEW Will view a pcx of gif file with view house.pcx
scroll and zoom control.
*VIEWSVGA Will view a pcx of gif SVGA file viewsvga house1.gif
with scroll and zoom control.
*SCROLL UP Will scroll up the graphic screen. scroll up
*SCROLL DOWN Will scroll down the graphic screen. scroll down
This is a soft scroll effect.
*ZOOM IN Will zoom in the graphic screen. zoom in
*ZOOM OUT Will zoom out the graphic screen. zoom out
This is a fast zoom effect.
*ROTATE Will rotate the graphic screen 180. rotate
*ROTATE x Rotates the graphic screen x times. rotate 20
*NEGATIVE Will invert the graphic screen. negative
*NEGATIVE x Inverts the graphic screen x times. negative 10
DELAY Will wait for 1 second. delay
DELAY x Will wait for x seconds. delay 3
30 seconds is the maximum.
DELAY-KB xxx Will wait for xxx seconds or wait delay-kb 120
until the user presses a keyboard
key. 300 seconds is the maximum.
Use this to create a self running
*MILLI x Will causes a delay measured milli 3
in tenths of a second before the
next command is initiated.
KEY Will wait for the user to press key
any keyboard key.
KEY 123Q Will wait for the user to press key 123456789Q
a menu key(123 or Q) and returns
the key pressed. Use this to create key YN
a menu or ask a question. Refer to
manual.exe for more information. key ABC
*CHECKKEY Is designed to create a LOOP in checkkey
your program so that your graphics if errorlevel 1 goto next
will continue to cycle until a key
is pressed.
MOUSE-ON Will turn the mouse on so the user mouse-on
can use the mouse cursor as a
*MOUSE-XY Will check to see if the mouse in mouse-xy 10 10 50 50
in a area on the screen and return
the X and Y mouse locations and the
mouse button status
GTEXT Displays a text line on top of a gtext "JUPITER TAKES ALMOST" 21 20 8 160 260
graphic image in 3 point sizes gtext "12 YEARS TO REVOLVE" 22 20 8 160 260
and any color.
Usage: gtext "your text" row column size fcolor bcolor
size is font size of 8, 14 or 16
fcolor is font color number 0-255 for VGA
bcolor is background color number 0-255 for VGA
A bcolor greater then 255 will appear transparent.
The parameter, "row," must be less than the vertical
resolution of the video mode divided by the font point
size. Example: 200 divided by 8 equals 25 rows.
*GTEXT1 script font type
*GTEXT2 gothic font type
*GTEXT3 thin font type
*PRINTSCR Will print the graphic screen to printscr
a dot matrix printer(high quality).
NAME Will input the users name, address name
or any data you ask the user. This
info. will be stored in a text file
STORE Will store data in a text file. This store yes
can be used to create a answer file store no
that can be used to check the users store 2
answers to questions. The text file
*BAT2EXE Will compile your batch file into bat2exe example1.bat
an EXE file. This will make the
program run faster and encrypt
the data.
CLEANUP This has to be the last command cleanup
in your batch file, this will
CLEANUP memory, display and temp.
disk space. * REQUIRED *
* = Only available on the advanced version of Multimedia Maker.
ECHO OFF Turns off the commands echo. this echo off
will not echo the commands to the echo on
ECHO text Will echo text to screen. echo HELLO WELCOME TO MY PROGRAM
CLS Will clear the text screen. cls
CALL Calls one batch file from another call example1.bat
without ending itself.
GOTO Process commands starting with the goto menu_again
line after the specified label.
:menu_again is a label example.
IF Performs a command if a condition if errorlevel 1 goto menu1
is met. This is used in conjunction if errorlevel 2 goto menu2
with the KEY command, to ask the
user a question and read the response.
Refer to example4.bat for more info..